
Teaching Staff

Hendrik Tieben

Programme Founder
Hendrik TIEBEN is an architect, researcher and educator devoted to the creation of healthy and inclusive cities. He is a Professor and Director of the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and serves as the Chairman of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), a network fostering international collaboration in the field of Urbanism. Prof. Tieben received his architecture education in Germany, Italy and Switzerland and holds a Doctor of Science degree from ETH Zurich. He is a registered architect in Germany (AKNW), a Founding Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design and an International Associate Member of the American Institute of Architecture. Hendrik Tieben serves as a member of the Board of Educational Affairs (BEdA) of the Hong Kong Institute of Architecture and Strategic Board Member of the Journal of Public Space (a partner of UN

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Jeroen van Ameijde

Programme Director
Jeroen van Ameijde is Assistant Professor and Director of the MSc. in Urban Design Programme at the School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), teaching and conducting research in architecture, urban analytics and urban design. Before joining CUHK, he taught at the Architectural Association for 11 years, as well as at University College London and the University of Pennsylvania. He has more than 20 years’ experience as practising architect and urban designer, including as a partner and director at Urban Systems Office (2012-18), where he coordinated the design and development of several large-scale residential, mixed-use and master planning projects for private and governmental clients in China. Jeroen’s research interests focus on the intersection between urban design and architecture at dense urban locations, exploring how the organisation and mixing of social,

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Jessica Cheung

Jessica Cheung is an architecture and urban design practitioner and researcher in Hong Kong, China and New York. After registered as Architect in Hong Kong, she extended her practice to China, and focused on alternative urbanisation in rapid development context of China. She was the Associate of Urbanus Hong Kong office and led multiple urban design and research projects. She was awarded the Rotary Overseas Postgraduate Study Scholarship and furthered her interest in urban design by gaining the Master of Architecture and Urban Design of GSAPP from the Columbia University of New York. She graduated with the Excellence in Design Awards. Apart from her architecture practice in an emerging design office nARCHITECTS in New York, she continued her individual urban design projects with GSAPP and explored new ways of

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Melody Yiu

Melody is an urban researcher-designer with a focus on culture and public space, currently a Research Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Lived and worked in global cities from London to Shanghai, her practice over the last two decades is recognized through award-winning masterplan and urban landscape projects. Since returning to Hong Kong in 2018, she integrates this professional knowledge and insight with her interest in cultural practices to pursue research on urbanism and cultural space, as well as conducting artistic collaboration in spatial design projects. After completing the PhD thesis on institutional cultural space with an intrinsic case study of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, her current research investigates the topic of public space as cultural infrastructure and the spatial agency in cultural

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Sunnie Lau

Sunnie believes that human-centric design promotes inclusive communities with innovative sustainable design strategies and urban designers & architects play important roles within the built environment. Taking up the roles of both practitioner and educator, Sunnie dedicates in promoting partnerships and collaboration between academia and industry. She has been promoting architecture by designing, exhibiting, writing as outreach, and engaging communities. The endeavours included publicizing ongoing research topic on “Kowloon East Inclusive Innovation & Growth”, urban research-oriented design seminar on “Urban Mobility and Smart Infrastructure”, “Urban Resilience by Design – Adaptive Landscapes for PRD” , and facilitating dialogue between professionals, academia and young members at various cross disciplinary platforms and institutions. She was Co-Curator & Exhibitor of the Hong Kong

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Sylvia Chan

Sylvia Chan [BA(AS), MA (Journalism), PhD: HKU; MA: AA] specializes in research and writing in architecture. She is currently an Adjunct Associate Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Communications Manager – Research Editor at OMA Rotterdam, directing OMA’s communications strategies. With training in architecture and journalism, Sylvia was the Communications Representative of OMA Asia Pacific for four years, and she has led OMA’s public relations initiatives in the region. She is a professional architectural writer, and has published in Architecture Beyond Europe, Indesign Australia, and Canadian Architect. Sylvia received her Bachelor of Architectural Studies and Master of Journalism from The University of Hong Kong. She earned her Master of Arts in Architectural Histories and Theories at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London. She completed her

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Jiaxiu Cai

Jiaxiu Cai is an Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She is a scholar practitioner and a practice-oriented scholar working at the intersection of landscape, urbanism, and architecture. She has exerted herself to develop design methodologies and tools to enlighten, inspire and assist urban designers in the design process. Her research and teaching uncover how designers reason, how practices are changing, and how new technologies play a role in practices. These insights feed into teaching and learning in Urban and Landscape Design Education. This results in 1) generating effective design instruments for practice (both human-based and computational ) and 2) providing new insights of Landscape and Urbanism. Prior to CUHK, she was an Assistant Professor of Urban Design at Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen. She also taught design studios at

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Cecilia Chu

Cecilia L. Chu is Associate Professor in the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Trained as an urban historian with a background in design and conservation, Chu’s research and teaching focus on the social and cultural processes that shape the forms and meanings of built environments and their impacts on local communities. Informing her work is an interest in the design and representation of spaces (as buildings, landscapes, and infrastructures) and the production of their social meanings and values. She is especially interested in the intersection of professional and popular knowledge of architecture and landscapes and how these articulations have contributed to city-making and the shaping of individual and collective aspirations of citizens. Chu’s first book, Building Colonial Hong Kong: Speculative Development and Segregation in the City (Planning, History and Environment

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Daniel Pätzold

Daniel was educated in London South Bank University and the Berlin Institute of Technology. He is a registered architect in Germany and shares the experience of practicing architecture for more than 12 years on projects in the infrastructure sector. Besides major projects as the Transformation of St. Pancras Station, London, redevelopment of New Delhi Station and Dubai Metro, Daniel has contributed to a number of local projects such as Hong Kong’s Austin station and the modification of Sheung Wan station as well as contributing the landscape design for Macau’s future Barra Station. A profound appreciation of the importance of infrastructure projects globally as a positive means to the urban environment stimulated a sincere interest in infrastructure related urban form and architecture that often forms the backbone of urban and positive

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Sylvia He

Sylvia He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Resource Management at CUHK. She is a board member and honorary deputy secretary of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS). She serves on the editorial board of Travel Behaviour and Society. Sylvia’s current research interests include transportation planning and policy, travel behavior, urban and regional economics, and GIS/spatial analysis. Her research has been funded by both local and international funding agencies and organizations, such as GRF, PPR, UGC/DAAD, Regional Studies Association (RSA), US Department of Transportation, and BMW Group Institute for Mobility Research (ifmo). She holds a PhD in Policy, Planning, and Development from the School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California (USC), where she won the

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Rick Lam

Rick Lam is the co-founder and director of Architecture Commons. He received his BA (ArchStud) from HKU and his M Arch I from Harvard GSD. He has extensive work experience in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Boston, and New York on projects that span every scale from residential renovations to master planning, and these jobs have endowed him with keen aesthetics acumen, knowledge in dense urban operation, and social awareness across cultures. Rick was recently selected as one of the winners of the “40 Under 40” Award recognizing creative young talents, and the AIA Merit Awards 2017, among others. Since the founding of ACL, Rick has been working with the government, non-profits, NGOs and the private sector tackling a mixture of deep rooted social issues, from alienated youth, elderly care, environment, to health and education.

Eric Ho

Architect, entrepreneur, and urban thinker passionate about architecture and urban environments that have a lasting impact on society, Eric Ho is the co-founder and Director of Architecture Commons, a design agency for urban innovation. Eric studied architecture at University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where he was the recipient of the Faculty Design Award. In addition to his passion in architecture, Eric has started a civic start-up MILES: a real estate platform for neighborhood and community good through activating underused storefront spaces, and Good Goods: a next generation shared economy platform for retail.  Eric has been invited to speak at various panels and events including Harvard Innovation Lab, Northside Innovation, Columbia University Studio X and TEDxDumbo. He has served as the judge

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Phd Students

CHENG Sifan |

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LEI Danyang |

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LI Junwei |

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LIN Shuiyang |

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LIU Xinyu |

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LU Pengyu Peri |

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NG Tsing Yin Provides |

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SONG Qiwei |

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Wajiha TARIQ |

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Current and Past Research Assistants

LAI, Kin Shing
LIU Sihang
DONG Jiahua
Joy Yu, Mike LEE
Ka Shut, Carson LEUNG
LI Jiahao
LIN Shuiyang
WANG Haowen

Administrative Staff

Ms. Sindy TANG
Tel. +852 3943 6517
Fax. +852 3942 0982